Aesthetics Survey - submit your votes

So what do you believe? Has this article made you think about music and aesthetics in general? Why not take the time to fill in this questionnaire....
There are just 10 questions in total and you will be able to submit comments at the end if you wish.

1: Can music go much further in terms of quality and enjoyment than even the best tunes composed thus far?

Yes1 - music could exist and be indescribably better than anyone has made or heard so far
Yes2 - there's a lot of room for improvement for even the best tunes ever composed
Yes3 - a bit - there could certainly be room for improvement for the even the best tunes
Nah - all the best music has already been thought up or is at least close
Irrelevant - as all tunes are ultimately as good as each other since I believe in the relative aesthetic theory

2: Do some people have better taste in music than others (veering heavily towards the Universal/Objective aesthetics music theory) - or is every person's opinion about music equally valid (veering heavily towards Relative/Subjective Aesthetics music theory) ?

Yes - some people have better or worse taste in music than others
No - everyone's opinion on music is equally valid as everyone else's
Sort of - only certain aspects in music can anyone claim to have better or worse taste
I haven't the foggiest
I don't know precisely what you mean

3: Do you believe in a 'universal aesthetic' as this article promotes?

Yes - even if no-one knows for sure how good any tune is, it still has a 'rating'
No - the quality of a piece of music is subjective and each opinion is equally as valid
Sort of - maybe some if not all aspects of music are 'ratable'
I don't know precisely what you mean
I haven't the foggiest

4: Do you believe we have a 'soul'? Do you think the appreciation of music transcends the 'physical' brain and perhaps reaches into the metaphysical realm?

Yes - all or most musical enjoyment is derived once the music reaches the soul. The ear and brain only mostly act as a transmitter
Kind of - the brain interprets the sound and translates a new signal to be sent to the soul
Hmmmm - 'on the fly' calculation of the music is probably only performed in the brain. I'm not too sure about a soul
No - everything is limited to electromagnetic activity inside the brain. I somewhat doubt a 'soul' really exists
No - everything is limited to electromagnetic activity inside the brain. There's definitely no such thing as a transcendental 'soul'
I haven't the foggiest

5: Has this article made you think twice that music can be objectively rated (Universal aesthetics theory) ?

Not applicable - as I already believe in Universal Aesthetics
Yes - I now think there's a very good chance it might be true
No - I still think the Relative or Subjective Aesthetics view to be true
Sort of - I certainly see some valid points you have made that supports Universal Aesthetics
I didn't really consider it before - but I don't really agree and therefore I believe in Relative Aesthetics
I didn't really consider it before2 - but your article makes sense and I therefore believe in Universal Aesthetics

6: Assuming the above is true (that there really is a universal aesthetic), could there be such thing as a perfect piece of music?

Yes - a perfect tune really exists and is waiting to be discovered
No - there are an infinite number of 'perfect' tunes
Sort of - maybe a finite number of equally perfect tunes exist
No2 - and this question is irrelevant as I only believe in subjective aesthetics
I haven't the foggiest

7: Going one step further than the Universal Aesthetics music theory, could the best (most satisfying) music ever be explained via a mathematical formula of sorts?

Yes - a very complex undiscovered math formula could explain the best music
Well yes - but maths and science will probably never be able to come close to explaining the best music
No - math formulas and science could not explain music
Sort of - certain aspects in music could be reductionable - but not all
Yes2 - but since I believe in Subjective Aesthetics, any possible formula would need to different for every person
No2 - since I believe in Subjective Aesthetics, and I don't think this is compatible
I haven't the foggiest
I don't know precisely what you mean

8: Can art and pictures also fit into the Universal Aesthetic theory?

Yes - even if no-one knows for sure, all pictures have a 'rating'
No - the quality of a picture is subjective and each opinion is equally as valid
Sort of - maybe some if not all aspects of pictures are 'ratable'
I don't know precisely what you mean
I haven't the foggiest

9: Almost there. How interesting did you find this whole article?

Utterly absorbing
Fairly interesting
A bit boring
Who cares about aesthetics anyway

10: Finally, do you think God exists?

Most likely
Possibly - but I doubt it
Most likely not
Definitely not
I haven't the foggiest

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