You can either select "QuickSearch" so a new node isn't created, or instead create a new filter to build up your collection. The "all" keyword in the Query Filter as shown above will simply show all tracks. We've also added 'SongTitle' and 'Album' in the "Sort Fields" area so that the final list is sorted by those categories. The text in the Query Filter translates to "Show all tracks that CONTAIN 'Abba' as the Artist, OR 'Rah Band' as the Artist.". Additionally, we've selected the 'Random mode' (radio button), and entered 50 tunes. Thus 50 randomly picked tracks will be returned from our query. More complex queries are easily handled. This one translates to "Select tracks with 'c64' in any field as long as it's rated higher than 3 star......... OR if the word 'pop' appears in any field (the | symbol is used here instead of OR, and the & symbol instead of AND). The final condition is that it must have been played less than 100 days ago (the decimal place is handled too)." Furthermore, from the above subset, pick 500 random tunes and bias towards those with a high rating (the "2^rating" bit), and also bias towards those that have been played fewer times (the "/PlayCounter" bit). Finally, remove all duplicates from the list. The Math Filter supports most math functions, and also allows the use of an If/Else statement. Here, the filter is saying, query all tracks, but randomly pick 200 with certain biases... The "rating<0" bit means 'unrated' basically, so it receives a weighting of 16. Otherwise (i.e. if rating >=0), calculate 2^rating, and that will be the weighting instead (2,4,8,16,32 depending on whether it's 1,2,3,4 or 5 star). This allows a nice selection between highly rated tracks, and also those you haven't rated or heard much. For each node, you can delete, edit, clone, move up/down or refresh the list. Refreshing is handy if the database has been updated, or you want a new sample of randomly selected tracks. That's practically it. Have fun! |