Dreamscape art competition!!

Have the pictures in the gallery inspired you at all? Could you draw one of your own dreamscapes?
Well, now's your chance! We have introduced this competition to see who can draw the best 'paradise' or 'dreamscape' in the style of the pictures shown at the main gallery. So far, there's no definite closing date for the compo, but we need some entries to come in! Your picture will be displayed on this page and you'll get full credit obviously.

Just to give you some potential landscape design ideas, a winner's picture might contain the following elements:
  • Clever use of vivid and subtle colour.
  • High detail and elaborate use of shape design to enhance the overall picture. Also try to make it 3D looking.
  • Preferably have lots of stuff going on. The more components the picture contains, the more interesting it becomes.
  • You could base your design on a city in the sky, or something equally futuristic. Maybe a scene based upon rolling hills and valleys (but not limited to that). Any setting, whether twilight, sunset, night or day is fine, but try to ensure good colour contrast.
  • A backdrop size picture (800*600, 640*480) is appropriate, but this isn't compulsory.

    But the most important thing is to try and create a picture you'd want to live in! Something like your idea of an dream style heaven or utopia.

    Any style is fine; hand-drawn, anime, pixel style or computer generated - it's up to you.

    If you prefer for your picture not to be displayed until the very end of the compo, then that's fine too.

    If you are stuck about what art package to use, then there are the popular choices of Adobe Photoshop, or Paint Shop Pro. You may however prefer to use a dedicated pixel-style package such as the brilliant Art Gem (PC) or Deluxe Paint 4/5 packages. The trial version of Artgem can be obtained from here and let's just say that if you own an Amiga, then you no doubt have Deluxe Paint too ;-)
    There's no excuse now - get cracking on the next cool dream-scape!
    As for the actual prize, well, the winner will receive a free copy of my music CD - 'Eclipse of Mars'.
    If you have any questions, email me or visit Skytopia's Waterfall Views Forum
    Look forward to receiving your entries!
    Forward them to my email address with the picture as an attachment.

    The number of entries submitted so far is: 0
    Also see the Music and art Aesthetics page for information on why all pictures and music have an unknown but absolute score.

    Skytopia home > Picture Gallery > Dreamscape Compo